Friday, January 22, 2010

No news yet...

I've been getting lots of requests for updates.  I'm currently waiting on one from the lawyer and will send it out as soon as it comes my way.

I'm also getting lots of questions about the class action lawsuit.  The most common questions are:

1. Am I automatically included in the class action if I was an investor in Shire?
A - NO, you must sign and return the retainer agreement letter along with your retainer payment to the lawyer's office. 

2. Is it too late to join the class action?
A - NO, its not too late.

3. I just heard about you and your website - Why haven't YOU contacted me?
A - I don't have investor's contact info unless they've provided it to me.  If you're out there waiting for a phone call or email, it won't come.  You have to register with me at to get on the list, otherwise, I just don't know how to reach you.     

4. Who are you?  What is your background?  Are you affiliated with Shire or the lawyer's office?
A - I am like you, an investor in Shire.  I have no Shire affiliation, nor am I affiliated with the lawyer's office.  I volunteer my time to help us get organized to fight for ourselves.  I have no legal or accounting training and as such cannot provide legal or accounting advice.  I also can't recommend what you should do, everyone's circumstances are unique and require careful personal consideration.  I can, however, provide you with as much information as I have to so that you may make the most informed decisions.

5. What's happening with Shire, can you give me an update?
A - I send out updates to my email distribution list as soon as I get new information.  If you want information, get on the list!